Monday, 25 March 2013


This is the Orbital Vsat.

Like I said in one of the previous posts, you get killstreaks by killing people without dying. You can choose them in the main menu or a pre-game lobby. The higher the killstreak the more kills you need to get. The original ones were spy plane, air strike, and an attack helicopter. Since then, Care Package was added, attack dogs, chopper gunner, nuke/moab etc. But ever since MW3 they were called scorestreaks and if you planted a bomb, or captured a flag it would help in the process of gettin a scorestreak. In MW3 there were also support killstreaks, and you could get them even if you died. This angered many people and upset the CoD community. In Black Ops 2 the favourite scorestreaks are swarm and orbital Vsat.
The swarm is a bunch of hunter killer drones
kill the enemies. It is the highest killstreak.

Other popular killstreaks are the Lodestar, K9 Unit, and the Vtol Warship.These are all very high killstreaks and are hard to get. There also is the Escort Drone, Stealth Chopper, Sentry Gun, Guardian, and more.

This is the Lodestar.
Well I hope you learned about killstreaks!

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